Tot's Missing Toe
Vincent seems to notice everything. Yes, Tater Tot is missing a toe. When he first appeared in early October, 2005 he had a large red growth on his toe. I had no idea what it was or what caused it. By late December it still hadn't healed. txrad let him in the house on December 30 and Tater Tot slept with me in my bed that night.
The next morning when I got up I noticed the sheets were stained with blood and there were also bloody track marks on the tile floor in the bathroom. I took him to the vet that morning to see what they could do. Tot had a broken bone in his toe and it was infected. The vet said the best thing to do would be to remove the toe so that's what we did.
He never seemed to be in pain either before or after the surgery but I'm glad we got that done. He had a purple sock on his foot for about a week during the healing process.
